Teaching Your Children About Personal Finance

Raising children to be financially responsible is an important part of preparing them for adulthood. Teaching good money management habits can help them become self-sufficient, independent adults while avoiding common financial pitfalls like overspending and debt. With this in mind, it’s important for parents to start teaching their children about money and personal finance from a young age.   While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this topic, there are some general lessons that parents can teach to help guide their children towards a financially responsible adulthood.

In this blog, we’ll provide tips on how to teach your children the basics of financial responsibility and how to help them cultivate good money habits. We’ll also discuss the importance of financial literacy and why teaching your kids about personal finance is essential for their future success. Let’s get started!

The Importance of Financial Literacy

There is a serious lack of education on money management and personal finance in public schools. Immediately after graduating from high school, many young adults are thrust into a world of bills, taxes, and other financial responsibilities without having been taught how to manage their finances or plan for their future. The increasing cost of college and our society’s obsession with debt can put young adults in a difficult financial situation right out of the gate, which can have long-term negative consequences for their future.

It is your responsibility as a parent to provide your children with the financial education they need to succeed as young adults. Teaching them the basics of personal finance will give them the knowledge and skills they need to make smart financial decisions, and will hopefully help them avoid common mistakes that could derail their financial futures.

Tips for Teaching Children Personal Finance

  • Talk About Personal Finance: This seems simple, but it’s important to actively talk to your children about personal finance and money. Explain financial concepts in a way that is easy to understand and avoid using jargon. Be open and honest about money, how it works, and your own financial habits.
  • Establish a Household Budget: Teaching children how to create and manage a household budget is essential for them to understand the basics of financial responsibility. Explain to them the difference between essential and discretionary expenses, and make sure they understand why it’s important to prioritize essential expenses first.
  • Introduce Smart Saving Habits: Encourage your children to save money by opening up a savings account and setting aside part of their allowance or birthday money for their future. Explain the concept of compound interest to them and have them set a savings goal so they can start to understand how their money can grow over time.
  • Introduce Smart Spending Habits: Teach your children that spending money should be done in moderation, especially when it comes to non-essential items. Explain to them why it’s important to consider the cost-benefit of their purchases and how to differentiate between wants and needs. Showing children how to differentiate between what they need and what they want can help them understand the value of money and when it makes sense to spend or save.
  • Teach basics of Investing: Teaching kids about investing early can help them understand the concept of risk and reward. Explain to them how investing works, why it’s important to diversify their investments and what the long-term benefits of investing can be.
  • Do not overwhelm them: Go at a pace that your children can handle. Don’t overwhelm them with too much information or dole out unrealistic expectations. It’s important to explain financial concepts in terms that they can understand, and let them take their time in learning.

Remember, Rome was not built in a day and neither will your child’s financial literacy. With patience and practice, they’ll become proficient in money management and have a solid foundation to build upon as they grow older.


To conclude, teaching children financial responsibility can help them become more independent and maintain a healthy relationship with their finances as they grow older. Start by talking to them about personal finance, and gradually introduce concepts such as budgeting, saving, smart spending, and investing. With patience and practice, your children can gain the skills they need to make smart and responsible financial decisions throughout their lifetime.

Contact O’Brien Retirement Investment Group

If you’re ready to take the next step towards achieving your financial goals, reach out to O’Brien Retirement Investment Group today at 860-415-9614. Our team of experienced advisors can help you review your financials and create an automated savings plan that works for you. Contact us today to set up a free, no-obligation consultation and get started on your path to financial success.